kids art

Art at Gingerbread House Daycare

Our preschoolers are are masters of the moment while having a blast creating with teacher Sun!

It’s so rewarding to watch them express themselves and focus on finishing their projects. Fostering their creativity has far reaching benefits beyond their colourful creations.

Some of the developmental benefits of art include:

  1. Enhanced motor skills - Holding a paintbrush and scribbling with a crayon are essential to fine motor skill development.

  2. Language development - Making art and talking about provides opportunities to learn descriptive words, identify colours and shapes. Growth in emotional expression happens when feelings are about different artwork is elicited.

  3. Decision making - Creating art strengthens critical thinking and problem solving.

  4. Visual learning - Kids are very visual and while many have learned to navigate smart phones and tablets, drawing and sculpting with playdough are fantastic ways to improve visual-spatial skills.

  5. Inventiveness - This happens when kids are supported in taking risks and unleashing their creative potential. This encouragement harness thinking outside of the box and invention.

  6. Cultural awareness - We are fortunate in Vancouver to live in a diverse society. Sun’s classes and projects incorporates aesthetics of color, shape and texture to guide kids in understanding plurality and the concept of multiple realities.

  7. Improved scholastic performance - Kids who participate regularly in the arts are reported to be more likely to participate in math and science fairs, excel as essayists and poetry writing, and be recognized for academic achievements.

Please enjoy the following pictures that exemplify our kids masterpieces. Special thanks goes to teacher Sun for helping these kids go beyond doodling with markers or crayons and for encouraging them to enjoy the process of making art.