gingerbread house daycare vancouver

Setting a Good Example for Your Child

Over the past 40 years that Gingerbread House Day Care has been taking care of the children in our community, we've talked to thousands of parents about what it's like for them to raise a healthy child. Our parents have shared with us their burning questions, greatest challenges, and successes! Of course Razia, our Day Care supervisor who's been there from the start and raised 3 successful children of her own, has taught us all plenty as well.

As parents, we know how important it is to give our kids a healthy start and the first several years of their lives is the most important. We also understand how hard a job parenting is! So we're using this platform to help share tips on raising a healthy preschooler. Please visit frequently and keep reading as we'll continue to share the latest information on a variety of topics to help our kids reach their fullest potential!

How Can I Set A Good Example for My Child?

Remember parents, you are your child's best role model. For this reason, try to make the best choices health wise for yourself and you'll be helping your child to do the same. She/he will learn healthy habits from you first and will want to imitate everything you say and do.

Clinical trials have confirmed that the person or persons a child spends most of his/her time with - parents, guardians, grandparents - will have the greatest influence on their behaviors like eating healthy, turning the TV off, and engaging in physical activity. Teachers and caregivers are not as influential. 

And parents, the great bonus of taking accountability for the health of your life and setting an example for your kids is more energy! More energy to be the best version of yourself so you can fulfill your life purpose:) 

How about trying these tips for involving your whole family to adopt healthier habits:

  • A great way to start the day off right with your child is to eat breakfast with them. Try a whole grain cereal with sliced fruit or sprouted toast with almond butter and a banana. 
  • Let your child help with healthy meal preparation. Children are more likely to try healthy foods if she’s involved in preparing them.
  • Get active together. Go to the park on the weekends, take walks together, or kick a ball around in your backyard. This will get you both moving!


Gingerbread House Day Care Staff

Keeping Kids Healthy During the Cold and Flu Season

Cold weather doesn't cause colds or flu, but the viruses that do tend to be more common in the winter. Help keep your children healthy by teaching them to wash their hands frequently and sneeze or cough into the bend of an elbow. 

Here's some valuable tips to help you know when to keep your kids home from day care.

Cold and flu viruses are the most common cause of illness in day care facilities. Even if your child has had his/her immunizations, viruses can still effect their immune system and cause colds, sore throats, coughs, vomiting and diarrhea. 

It's not uncommon for children at any age in their first year of group care to experience more infections - possibly 8-12 colds more than if the child was cared for at home (without exposure to siblings or other kids). 

With consecutive years in day care, the frequency of cold and flu illness decreases because children develop immunity from virus exposure. Diarrhea typically occurs once or twice a year in a typical child. 

Child care recommendations for staying at home when a child comes down with a respiratory illness is as follows:

  • Prevents the child from participating comfortably in activities

  • Results in a need for care that is greater than staff members can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children

  • Poses a risk of spread of harmful disease to others 

If a child is suffering with a respiratory illness (cough, runny nose, or sore throat) and fever, he/she should be excluded from their day care program. It's fine for the child to return after the fever associated with the respiratory symptoms has resolved (assuming no fever-reducing medicine is used to control the fever).

Day care staff are E.C.E certified and since Gingerbread House Day Care is a licensed facility, we make certain that all our teachers receive the recommended immunizations, including the flu vaccine. We require all our children that we care for to also receive the recommended immunizations set forth by their pediatrician or medical practitioner. 

The single best way to protect against the flu is to get vaccinated each year and to practice good hygiene...wash your hands and rub them dry. This is a fundamental and it puts the health and safety of everyone in the day care facility first. 

To your child's health! 


Letting Your Kids be Kids and Have Fun: Holiday Parties and More

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Dear parents, the shot above has gone viral on social media and I'm sharing it here as to simply remind you that when it comes to the holidays, it’s okay to let your kids (and yourself for that matter) relax and have a little fun. There’s plenty of time for rules and routines during the rest of the year!

As with our diets, it’s easy as parents to let ourselves veer off the routine over the holidays when we don’t have to get up early for work or our kids don’t have school. It's not uncommon to have parents let their younger kids skip their naps in exchange for important time with relatives and friends they haven't seen for awhile.

It's all about finding the balance and knowing your child's temperament: is she/he easy going or easily over-stimulated? Does your child need a lot of activity? These are the things to know and respect about our kids. This will help us plan their schedules and holiday parties, but also make us better parents the rest of the time.

Best wishes for a joyful holiday season!


Wondering How to Teach Kids to Eat Better? Especially During the Holidays?

Wondering how to teach kids to eat better, especially during the holidays? Here are 25 books that will nourish creativity, teach about healthy eating, and inspire a generation of activists!

Can you imagine if every school in this world had a garden? Whether a raised bed, vertical, hydro, or container garden, it would inspire a new generation of healthy eaters and lovers of local food! 

We need to teach our kids where the food they eat comes from. We also need to encourage them to try growing food, harvesting food, and preparing food. This will get them thinking about access to healthy food and health holistically. Because when everyone in a community has easy access to healthy food, this not only helps to reduce health inequities but also can strengthen a community’s economy and foster a healthier environment.

Eating locally produced foods, shopping at the farmers or local market is important for our children's health, the economy and climate change. By supporting local foods you are enabling farmers to keep more money in their pocket with every purchase you make & in turn they reinvest your contribution into the shared economy. This empowers and builds a foundation of health, connection & community resiliency!

I especially love this! This new children's book teaches children how to love imperfect produce while helping to reduce food waste through education:

Best wishes for the holidays, see you all in 2018!

Gingerbread House DayCare teachers